Archive for March 14th, 2007


We should all have goals. I am a list maker so I have tons of lists with various goals ~ what I want to do in my life, this year, regarding work, with money, with a career, I could go on and on.

But I don’t have a list for losing weight. I know it is going to happen, it already is (woo hoo 2.8lbs!), and I’ll lose more.

And I’m putting this oh so cute purse on my list. I’m not sure where to put it. It isn’t clothes so it’s not like I will need it once I hit a certain size. It will be the most money I’ve spent on a purse though so it has to be a big goal. I’m going to make a list of rewards for myself – a list of goals I want to meet and what I will do once it is met.

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Yesterday’s appointment was great! I am down another 1.8 pounds, bringing the total to 2.8lbs since I started. That isn’t a lot and I admit I wish it were more, but it is a good start. I’m going to add working out on the elliptical to my walking and see how that goes. I know I need to be more active and I am feeling great on the little working out I have been doing so I’m sure it will be easy to do.

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