I weighed in today for a 4.2 pound loss over the past couple of weeks. I didn’t weigh in last week because my Mom and Step Dad were here visiting! We had a great time while they were here – I snacked a little more then usual, but on a good note I didn’t overeat which of course means I snacked instead of having a meal. But we also had a few days of hard exercise in the form of gardening.

We have a lot of clay and slate in our soil here and digging holes for the bushes and plans, plus cleaning up, raking, weeding, laying bark and whew you have a group of tired people! It was a lot of fun though. And the yard looks SO much better all the way around. We do need to mow and water but that will happen tomorrow or Thursday.

One Response to “Down”
  1. Tishia says:

    Congratulations on your loss Tsoniki! Keep up the great work :-) Oh and I love the look of your blog – it must be new because I don’t remember it looking like this before….lol!
