I’d like to take this time to tell every hospital out there to practice better patient care!!!

I got a call from the new hospital we are being moved to only to have the nurse (maybe she was a nurse? Maybe she was just a patient appt person? I’m not sure actually.) tell me that the AFP (triple screen) (wiki link) test I decided to take came back positive. The test screens for neural tube defects, among other things. And my test came back positive for neural tube defects which as I understand it is spinal issues.

So already emotional from having to be moved to a high risk hospital in the first place, now I have someone who can’t answer any questions! She did say she was sorry that she didn’t have any answers and that my doctor should have called me to tell me.

I did call my (soon to be old) doctor and ask what she could tell me – which unfortunately wasn’t much. She said the thing is the ultrasound tech didn’t see anything on the ultrasound so that is a good sign, but the new hospital will do more in depth ultrasound, including 3D. Now I have to wait six days to be seen and get more information.

It’s hard to stay rationale in times like this – I want more answers or to talk about every possibility. I never took the triple screen test with my other kids. I have done so great staying away from searching online as to what could be going on with a small baby, and I am definitely staying away (after my few brief searches after the initial phone call a little while ago) now.

5 Responses to “Positive”
  1. [...] are having more baby issues – and it has me emotionally exhausted. I wish I didn’t have to wait so long for my next [...]

  2. Andrea says:

    I’m so sorry, Tess. I know you have to be stressed and worried. I’ll be saying many prayers for you and the baby.

  3. Tsoniki says:

    Thanks Andrea, that means a lot. I am trying not to think about it but of course that is hard.

  4. Lisa says:

    I had this happen with my son. Email me if you need to talk. He ended up fine :)

  5. Hillari says:

    Don’t panic (though I know it’s hard not to). I also had a positive test, and my kid turned out fine, too. If you’re an older mom (I was), it’s nearly impossible to get anything BUT a positive reading from these tests, though they don’t necessarily tell you that. (Your age goes into an equation they use to calculate risk.) And remember that the triple screen can’t show a definite positive or negative, it only shows risk–the only way to know for sure is amnio.

    It is very likely that everything will be just fine. Assume the best here. And if you’re going to worry about it like crazy, get the amnio (I was against amnio, and I finally caved and got one and it was the best decision I ever made). E-mail me if you’d like! Best wishes!!!!!!
