Creative Commons License photo credit: teachingsagittarian

A disappointing thing to report – over the past two weeks I’ve gained three and a half pounds. But I’m not letting that get me down!

I’m back to working out and I’ve set some new goals:

* work out every day for the month of April (so far, so good!)

* no snacking after 8PM – not really that hard for me actually, but I’ve slipped up more then I like lately

* pay closer attention to my water intake – usually I do great at drinking enough water, and with nursing as well this is important for me to get back on track with

I look forward to checking in next week with a weight LOSS!

How did you do for the week?

2 Responses to “That’s a Gained”
  1. Mary Lutz says:

    I had a gain too…1.8 lbs! Ugh!!! But, I’m not giving up!!! Just going to try a new experiment…trying a high protein diet for a week or two to see if it speeds up the weight loss progress.

    Good job on getting back on track!!!
    Mary Lutz´s last blog ..Weigh In Week #11 and an Experiment My ComLuv Profile
