Archive for September 1st, 2007

I know that I need to eat better and admit I haven’t been. I’m not eating bad but I wonder if I’m eating enough? When I was doing LA Weight Loss I was eating 1200-1400 calories a day, and I was losing weight. I’m sure I’m not eating that much now, or if I am it’s not the same balance that I used to.

I’ve been looking up freezer cooking last night and earlier today. I found a couple of yahoo groups and signed up, hopefully at least one will be good and I can follow along. We are going grocery shopping this weekend after I have a list of either freezer meals, regular meals to cook or a combo of both. I would love to do freezer cooking – can you imagine a freezer full of food that all you have to do is pop it in the oven or microwave! That sounds like something so great to me.

I’ve already found one great breakfast food – basically a mcmuffin type thing but I’m sure oh so much better then Mcd’s. Chris is usually running around in the morning and I would love to send him off with an actual meal rather then a couple of granola bars. I can’t wait to get started – who knew that cooking would be so exciting.

[tags]freezer cooking[/tags]

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My neighbor gave birth to both of her kids at the new hospital I am being transferred to. She used to work there as well. She said it’s good that I am being transferred now as if nothing was realized until the baby was born then the baby would have been transferred to the other hospital and I would stay at the one I was at. I didn’t realize that so I am glad. She also said this other hospital is a great place, the doctors are wonderful, the nurses are as well and they get all the newest ‘stuff’ that is out there.

Just waiting on the phone call but I am waiting until Wednesday to call them myself.

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More on waxing my legs! (You know you wanted to know more ;) )

I ended up buying an epilator (the size of an electric razor but it pulls your hair out rather then shaving) at Target a couple of weeks ago. I was due to get my legs waxed again but have been thinking about the cost and how I just didn’t want to have to invest twice a month into this. The epilator cost one and a half times the price of one wax – so definitely worth it.

And the hurt factor – practically none. Compared to the waxing, this was maybe 1/5 the hurt, or even less. It was so fast and, dare I say this, fun! I love taking a few minutes each week to clean up my legs and have them staying smooth for longer then the afternoon!

Oh and what about the underarms you say? Hurts more then anything I’ve ever done, yes, probably even giving birth. That’s how you find out if having a bikini wax is for you – try your underarms first. If you even flinch it probably isn’t for you. I almost cried but forced myself to finish it up.

By far the little machine is a great investment!

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