I am very happy to say I have lost six pounds!

I had lost four, then went off the diet plan, then went back on it and a week after being on it I’m down six. Six from the start, not six plus four. That’s okay though, I am happy to have lost at all. I have been doing great following the meal plan though I did get a spring cold and plan on eating a few oranges to get some vitamin C in me.

Still no Y workout but that’s where I weighed myself and I really can’t want until I get back there. I miss it and would love to be able to get back every day.

One Response to “Scale Check”
  1. Bradie says:

    Hey Tsoniki!
    Guess what? I tagged you for a meme (hehe)! So come and play along, please? Check it out hereā€¦..
    Looking forward to your answers!

    PS Good job on all your hard work. Losing baby weight is HARD! :)
