Okay I decided I am going to try Veet (that’s what Alyssa Milano is promoting via the commercials that seem to be on every time I turn on the tv!) and also get my legs waxed. I got a haircut today the place also has a spa. You can get your legs waxed but they want the hair to be 1/4 inch long. Is it just me or is that really long! Course in the summer (and when I feel like keeping up with it) I have to shave my legs every day for them to feel smooth, so maybe that 1/4 will come fast?

I am kind of scared of getting it done though. I tried to do it before by myself and ouch it hurt a lot. And I have to look up what pain meds I am allowed to take right now, I just don’t remember! I’ll have to do a bunch of reading while I’m waiting for the hair on my legs to grow.

How about you, have you ever tried waxing? Yourself or professionally? Did it hurt? A lot or just kinda?

One Response to “Two Choices”
  1. Tishia says:

    You are one brave woman to have your legs waxed! No thank you, not in a million years!!!!! I tried waxing my own lip at home and screamed in pain & then I was still silly enough to attempt waxing my own eybrows – I don’t know if the pain was from the wax or because I waxed more off than I should of…..LOL.

    I can barely stand the pain of having my eyebrows & lip waxed so there is NO way I’d make it through having my legs waxed – OUCHIE!

    You’ll have to post about how that goes!
