My dr’s appointment went well today. It was for the anatomy ultrasound – you know, check out the heart, bone growth, etc. She found the baby’s leg right away and we both realized the baby is measuring small. I am supposed to be 22 weeks tomorrow, but combining all the measurements and the baby is measuring at 19 weeks tomorrow. I did get to see the baby all over and she sent us home with lots of pictures – profile, face, foot, leg and a few more. I love it when they do that, I have several ultrasound pics of the other kids too.

Due to the baby measuring so small, I am now considered a high risk pregnancy and am in the process of being transferred to a different hospital. I know I did nothing wrong and I also know this is a baby that is determined to be here! She (wishing again!) managed to be conceived despite a tough birth control to get past after all.

I should know when my next appointment will be later today. One of the nurses is taking care of transferring me and said they’ll probably want me there within a week. It’s overwhelming and emotional to think about.

Oh and I had previously declined the triple screen blood test that is offered but they asked again today if I would reconsider, and I did.

I also asked the ultrasound tech to tell me what the sex is – we had agreed not to find out but considering the circumstances, I had to know. And I was right, it’s a girl. :)

(The tech did say that could change but she is usually not wrong, and boys are usually clearly seen and if you can’t tell then it’s usually a girl. A lot of usually’s!)

4 Responses to “Dr Appt Update”
  1. Tishia says:

    Sorry to hear that you are having such an emotional day! I’m sure everything is going to be fine but the transfer and everything is just a precautionary measure. You’ll be in my prayers :-)

  2. Betty says:

    A girl!! I’m so happy for you. I know everything will be ok. She’s a fighter, she’ll be ok. (((HUGS)))

    What is the blood screen for, btw?

  3. Tsoniki says:

    Thanks Tishia. :)

    Betty, thank you! And the blood screen is for spina bifida, down’s syndrome and (I think) other neural tube defects. But it isn’t 100% accurate, there are sometimes false positives, etc. I don’t think it is used as a diagnoses, but if something comes up then they can do further testing.

  4. [...] wrote all about the baby news over here – I feel the need to take a few minutes to close my eyes before the kids wake up now! August 31, [...]
