And so begins the Fall 15 Kickoff Tracking Contest!

I have two contests I am participating in. The first is the one with the job my husband holds right now. It is spouses against the people gone, we have quite a while and have been officially started for about a week or so now. I haven’t decided how much weight I would like to lose overall for this contest, I like to work with smaller goals and work toward meeting that goal and then setting a new one.

The plus size bloggers fall tracking is starting today! As of today I weighed myself on my Wii Fit (I don’t own a scale so this works for me since it will be a consistent thing I can easily do) and I took a few basic measurements again. This is twelve weeks and the goal is to lose 15 pounds. Since this breaks down to 5 pounds every month, this is something easily followed.

My Plan

1. Drink more water – I just can’t seem to stay consistent with this! I have days where I drink plenty of water and days where I end up with a headache at the end of the day, and I know it is because of not drinking enough water.

2. Work out daily – I am not going to say “work out for 30 minutes a day” or “work out after breakfast” or something that feels even the slightest bit rigid to me. I just need to work out daily and am going to find all the ways I can do so. If this means a half hour on the wii fit moving, 20 minutes of playing Just Dance with the kids or going for a walk, I am going to be active every single day.

3. Be better at not snacking – ever since I moved into my own place this past June I have been doing a great job not buying junk food when I grocery shop. I buy the kids granola bars and small chip bags for their snacks and for whatever reason the small chip bags have no appeal to me. It’s psychological I know. I have been snacking on babybel cheese, string cheese or wheat thins. But when I do buy a snack – a reese’s big cup (my favorite!) for example, it goes into the fridge to be saved for later. Of course when later means I eat two in an evening…that’s not a good thing. So I need to go back to buying what works for me for a snack.

4. Follow the meal plan – before I go grocery shopping I write up a list of meals for the next two or three weeks. I check what I already have in the pantry and fridge first. This (combined with coupons) allows me to save money while shopping and I know that what we are eating is healthy. One thing I need to do better is plan for the nights the kids have sports – I need to find more crockpot recipes!

Today I weighed myself (trusty Wii Fit to the rescue!) and also took measurements, and submitting my info for the start of the tracking contest!

How is your weight loss going? Are you participating in any tracking contests?

2 Responses to “Plus Size Bloggers Weigh In: Oct 4”
  1. Tricia says:

    Just stopped by to say you go girl and I know you can do it… I am with you every step of the way.
    Tricia´s last blog ..Plus Size Bloggers Weigh In- October 11 2010 Setting GoalsMy ComLuv Profile

  2. I am in this challenge with you!
    Melissa Cohoe´s last blog ..Plus Size Bloggers Weigh In October 11My ComLuv Profile
